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Listing Preferences

Minimum Nights, Check-in and Check-out times, Changing your Cancellation Policy

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Written by Tech Team
Updated over a year ago

Minimum Nights

The minimum nights is the minimum number of nights a booking has to span. This allows you to have more control over the length of the bookings you receive. It is important to note that the longer the minimum nights the less likely you are to get a booking as your listing will appear in fewer search results so there are fewer eyeballs looking at your home. We do not encourage a minimum nights greater than 3 Nights

In order to adjust your minimum nights follow these instructions:

  1. Go to your dashboard (you must be logged in)

  2. Click on Listing

  3. Choose the listing you would like to amend

  4. Click on Prices and preferences on the left-hand side

Default Minimum Nights

  • Now scroll down the page till you see a section called you terms where you can set your minimum nights.

  • Remember to save your preferences at the bottom of the page

Seasonal Minimum Nights

We also allow you to adjust your minimum nights for a seasonal period of time. You can adjust your minimum nights for a specific range of time or for blocks of time - e.g. the next 2 months.

To do so please follow the instructions below, this one is a bit more tricky so watching the video may be helpful.

  • There is some text below the default minimum nights called: Add different minimum stay requirements for specific dates or seasons

  • Click on that and you will see the following:

  • The Period box allows you to set the minimum nights for specific dates or periods of time into the future.
    ​Minimum stay for this period - allows you to set the stay for the period selected above.

  • Specific dates: This gives you full control, you can set multiple specific dates with different minimum nights. To do that select the first set of dates, input the minimum nights you want and click save. Then click on Add different minimum stay requirements for specific dates or seasons again and repeat the process above.

  • Remember to save your changes at the bottom of the Page!

  • 1 Month / 2 Month in advance: This sets the period of time from today for the period time selected.

  • You can adjust the seasonal minimum nights you have created by clicking on the pencil button.

  • To delete and seasonal minimum nights click on the Trash Can

  • Remember to save your changes at the bottom of the Page!

Limit how far in advance you accept bookings

If you'd like to not accept bookings past a certain amount of months in advance, we recommend adding a very long minimum night stay requirement. For example, for bookings more than 3 months in advance, you can require a 9999 minimum night stay requirement which will deter guests from booking. We will be updating this feature with our new dashboard design, but this is a temporary solution available to you.

This video demonstrates how you can adjust your default and your seasonal minimum nights

Adjusting your Check-in and Check-out time

You can set the time of day that you would like a guest to Check in and Check out. This is displayed on the listing page for the user to see.

To do this follow these instructions

  • Go to your dashboard (you must be logged in)

  • Click on Listing

  • Choose the listing you would like to amend

  • Click on Prices and preferences on the left-hand side

  • Scroll down till the section where it states Check in after

  • Here you can adjust the times

  • Remember to save your changes at the bottom of the Page!

This short video demonstrates how to do this

Adjusting your Cancellation Policy

Your cancellation policy is set by you and it determines how strict you are with the guest regarding cancellations and how much money you will recoup.

The full list of policies is documented here

We recommend you chose a policy that is Relaxed, Reasonal or Moderate. Anything more strict than that reduces your probability of getting more bookings.

To change your cancellation policy follow these instructions:

  • Go to your dashboard (you must be logged in)

  • Click on Listing

  • Choose the listing you would like to amend

  • Click on Prices and preferences on the left-hand side

  • Scroll down till the section where it states Cancellation Policy

  • Select the option you would like

  • Remember to save your changes at the bottom of the Page!

  • If you cannot make the change required please complete this form and someone from our team will get in touch as soon as possible.

This video demonstrates how to this

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